On Monday, 27 May 2024, “Wheel of Fortune” featured three contestants: Cynthia King, who emerged as the winner, along with Luidgi Altidor and Rufus Cumberlander. The episode showcased a mix of puzzles and toss-up challenges, ranging from phrases and events to occupations and living things. Throughout the show, the contestants engaged in a battle of wits, spinning the wheel and solving puzzles to win cash and prizes.
The episode was particularly notable for its variety in puzzles, which kept both the contestants and viewers engaged. The game’s progression saw each contestant having their moments of success and setbacks with Rufus and Luidgi facing some early bankrupys but making significant recoveries. However, it was Cynthia who consistently performed well across the various rounds, ultimately taking the lead with strategic plays and timely solves.
The Bonus Round
In the bonus round, the spotlight was on Cynthia, who attempted to solve the puzzle under the category “Event” with the clue “OPULENT WEDDING.” Despite the help of the letters RSTLNE and her choices of CMPI, Cynthia was unable to complete the puzzle, resulting in her not winning the additional cash prize that the bonus round offered.
Puzzle Solutions Table
Here is a summary of the night’s puzzles and their solutions:
Round | Puzzle Category | Puzzle Solution |
$1,000 Toss Up | What Are You Doing? | SEEING THE WORLD IN STYLE |
$2,000 Toss Up | Living Thing | GRACEFUL SWAN |
Round 1 | Around the House | WHITE PICKET FENCE |
Round 2 | Before & After | CURE FOR THE COMMON COLD FEET |
Round 3 (Prize) | Thing | GREAT ADMIRATION |
Triple Toss Up 1 | Phrase | AT FIRST GLANCE |
Triple Toss Up 2 | Phrase | JUST A GLIMPSE |
Triple Toss Up 3 | Phrase | CAN’T LOOK AWAY |
Round 4 | Occupation | MARKETING SPECIALIST |
Bonus Puzzle | Event | OPULENT WEDDING |