On the episode of Wheel of Fortune aired on Monday, October 7, 2024, viewers saw a spirited contest among three teams. The contestants included Cathy Roth and Jane Schwartz, a duo from Tennessee and Illinois, who first met during their freshman year of college 47 years ago. Competing against them were Terry Owens and Keisha Stokes from Newark, NJ, known for their coordinated outfits, and Natalie Sivertsen alongside Katie Wade Neser from Vegas, who also formed their bond in college. The night concluded with Cathy and Jane emerging as the winning team, demonstrating solid teamwork and consistent performance throughout the rounds.
The episode was packed with engaging puzzles spanning various categories. The teams faced challenges from “People” to “Things,” requiring a mix of quick thinking and strategic play. The rounds unfolded with varying degrees of difficulty, but Cathy and Jane maintained their composure, leading them to clinch the victory by the end of the night.
Bonus Round and Main Highlights
The highlight of the evening was the Bonus Round, where Cathy and Jane faced the challenge of solving the puzzle “BARGAIN HUNTING” under the category “What Are You Doing?” With the letters RSTLNE provided and their additional choices of GBMO, the duo successfully uncovered the puzzle. Their correct answer won them an additional $40,000, bringing their total winnings to $63,200 in cash and prizes, which included an unforgettable getaway.
Puzzle Overview
Below is a table featuring the solutions to the puzzles and toss-ups presented during the episode:
Puzzle Type | Solution |
$1,000 Toss Up (People) | PARTNERS IN CRIME |
$2,000 Toss Up (What Are You Doing?) | BUYING A NEW OUTFIT |
Round 2 (Song Lyrics) | I’M JUST KEN, ANYWHERE ELSE I’D BE A TEN |
Round 3 (Prize – Around the House) | SATIN SHEETS & PILLOWCASES |
Triple Toss Up 1 (Fun & Games) | COOKING CLASS |
Triple Toss Up 2 (Fun & Games) | BAKING CLASS |
Triple Toss Up 3 (Fun & Games) | SPIN CLASS |
Round 4 (Things) | MANICURE AND PEDICURE |