In a spirited episode of “Wheel of Fortune” on October 10, 2024, contestants from diverse backgrounds battled it out on the puzzle board. Toya Johnson Moore and Dionna Houston emerged as the victors of the night. The game kicked off with the $1,000 Toss Up, solved by Hallie Yerman with the phrase “BIRDS OF A FEATHER.” The subsequent $2,000 Toss Up, “REAL ESTATE BROKER,” was quickly claimed by Toya Johnson Moore, setting the stage for an exciting contest.
Mid-Game Strategies and Puzzle Solving
The main rounds featured creative puzzle solutions, such as “CHOCOLATE-COVERED STRAWBERRIES” in the Food & Drink category, and the witty “YOU HAD ME AT HELLO KITTY” for the Before & After segment. Contestants tackled these challenges with a mix of strategic letter picking and occasional misfortune with the wheel. The Prize Puzzle “SPENDING THE WHOLE DAY AT THE SPA” was a significant win for Jenny Bordelove and Alisa Berke, boosting their standing with a trip to Oyster Bay. The Triple Toss Up rounds maintained the competitive edge, with each contestant snagging a win across the three rapid-fire puzzles: MR. RIGHT, MR. WRONG, and MR. RIGHT NOW.
Key Moments and the Bonus Round
As the episode neared its conclusion, the intensity increased. The final spin, won by Toya Johnson Moore, brought their total impressive earnings in cash and travel prizes. However, the much-anticipated Bonus Round brought a palpable tension to the studio. Toya, accompanied by her boyfriend and family, faced the challenge of solving the phrase “IT WORKS WITHOUT FAIL.” Despite being armed with the usual RSTLNE and her chosen letters DPCA, the solution remained elusive, resulting in a rare miss in the Bonus Round.
Game Statistics and Puzzle Summary
Below is a detailed table of all the puzzles solved during the episode, providing a comprehensive look at the night’s challenges:
Round | Category | Solution |
$1,000 Toss Up | Phrase | BIRDS OF A FEATHER |
$2,000 Toss Up | Occupation | REAL ESTATE BROKER |
Round 2 | Before & After | YOU HAD ME AT HELLO KITTY |
Prize Puzzle | What Are You Doing? | SPENDING THE WHOLE DAY AT THE SPA |
Triple Toss Up 1 | Person | MR. RIGHT |
Triple Toss Up 2 | Person | MR. WRONG |
Triple Toss Up 3 | Person | MR. RIGHT NOW |
Round 4 | Event | PHOTO SHOOT |
Bonus Round | Phrase | IT WORKS WITHOUT FAIL |